GeoModel, Inc.
New Jersey Ground Penetrating Radar GPR Survey Services
To have a ground penetrating radar survey conducted in New Jersey contact us at:
e-mail: geomodel@geomodel.com
All GeoModel, Inc. GPR surveys are conducted by personnel that:
Are Licensed Professional Geologists
Have over 20 years of experience
Hold a Master's Degree in Geology, and
Are not just a technician
Ground Penetrating Radar GPR Uses
Click on text links below:
utility location
cemetery and grave location
sinkhole and void detection
tank (UST) and drum location
concrete and rebar inspection
geology, bedrock, and geologic hazards
landfills and burial trenches
archaeological studies
To have a ground penetrating radar survey conducted in New Jersey contact us at:
e-mail: geomodel@geomodel.com
or call us at: 703-777-9788
Click here for more information on ground penetrating radar GPR